


[1]Zhifei Zhang, Dandan Guo , Uniform stabilization of semilinear wave equations with localized internal damping and dynamic Wentzell boundary conditions with a memory term Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematic Und Physik, 70, 6, 160, 2019

[2]Jiao Wen, Chengming Huang, Min Li , Stability analysis of Runge Kutta methods forVolterra integro differential equations Applied Numerical Mathematics, 146, 73 88,2019

[3]Xiaoqiang Yan, Chengjian Zhang , Solving nonlinear functional differential and functiona l equations with constant delay via block boundary value methods , Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 166, 21 32, 2019

[4]Chengjian Zhang, Jingwen Wu, Weidong Zhao , One s tep m ulti d erivative m ethods for b ackward s tochastic d ifferential e quations, Num erical Mathematics Theory Methods

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[5]Yong Zhao, Lei Wang, Zhenhua Chai, Baochang Shi , Comparative study of natural convection melting inside a cubic cavity using an improved two relaxation time lattice Boltzmann m odel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , 143, 118449, 2019

[6]Maoding Zhen, Jinchun He, Haoyuan Xu, Yang Meihua , Positive ground state solutions for fractional laplacian system with one critical exponent and one subcritical exponent , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 39, 11, 6523 65

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[7]Rongrong Tian, Jinlong Wei, Yanbin Tang, The Dirichlet problem for nonlocalelliptic equations , Applicable Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/00036811. 1677893 2019.

[8]Lei . Zhang , Non uniform dep endence and well posedness for the rotation Camassa Holm equation on the torus, Journal of Differential Equations, 267, 9, 50495083, 2019

[9].Mingfa Fei, Chengming Huang, Pengde Wang, Error estimates of structure preserving Fourier pseudospectral methods for the fractional Schrodinger equation, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, DOI: 10.1002/num.22432 , 2019

[10]Ziying He, Xinyong Zhang, Tao Jiang, Xianming Liu, A Wong Zakai approximation for random slow manifolds with application to parameter estimation, NonlinearDynamics, 98, 1, 403 426, 2019

[11] Ying Chao, Jinqiao DuanYing Chao, Jinqiao Duan, , The OnsagerThe Onsager--Machlup function as Lagrangian for the Machlup function as Lagrangian for the most probable path of a jumpmost probable path of a jump--diffusion process,Nonlinearity, 32, 10, 3715diffusion process,Nonlinearity, 32, 10, 3715--3741, 20193741, 2019

[12] Xiujun Cheng, Hui WaXiujun Cheng, Hui Wang, Xiao Wang, Jinqiao Duan, Xiaofang Li, Most probable ng, Xiao Wang, Jinqiao Duan, Xiaofang Li, Most probable transition pathways and maximal likely trajectories in a genetic regulatory systemtransition pathways and maximal likely trajectories in a genetic regulatory system, , Physica APhysica A--statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 531, UNSP 121779, 2019statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 531, UNSP 121779, 2019

[13] Chengjian Zhang, Huiru WangChengjian Zhang, Huiru Wang,,SolvinSolving nonlinear secondg nonlinear second--order delay initial value order delay initial value problems via the adapted Generalized Stormerproblems via the adapted Generalized Stormer--Cowell methods, Applied Mathematics Cowell methods, Applied Mathematics Letters, 96, 172Letters, 96, 172--178, 2019178, 2019

[14] Lui Du, Dongke Sun, Baochang Shi, Zhenhua ChaiRui Du, Dongke Sun, Baochang Shi, Zhenhua Chai, , Lattice Boltzmann model for Lattice Boltzmann model for time subtime sub--diffusion diffusion equation in Caputo senseequation in Caputo sense, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 358, 80358, 80--90, 201990, 2019

[15] Qianying,Xiao, YiweiZhang, On the computation of extended rescaled Poincare On the computation of extended rescaled Poincare maps for singular vector fieldsmaps for singular vector fields, , Dynamical SystemsDynamical Systems--An International Journal, DOI: An International Journal, DOI: 10.1080/146810.1080/14689367.2019.16656259367.2019.1665625

[16] Xi Liu, Zhenhua Chai, BaochangBaochang ShiShi, , A phaseA phase--fieldfield--based lattice Boltzmannmodeling based lattice Boltzmannmodeling of twoof two--phase electrophase electro--hydrodynamic flowshydrodynamic flows, Physics of Fluids, 31, 9,Physics of Fluids, 31, 9, 092103, 092103, 22019019

[17] GuoqiangGuoqiang Ren,Ren, BinBin LiuLiu, , Existence of solution for generalized couplExistence of solution for generalized coupled differential ed differential riccati equationriccati equation, , Asian Journal of Control, 21, 5, 2407Asian Journal of Control, 21, 5, 2407--2414, 20192414, 2019

[18] Hong Liang, JiangrongJiangrong Xu,Xu, JiangxingJiangxing Chen,Chen, ZhenhuaZhenhua Chai,Chai, BaochangBaochang ShiShi, , Lattice Lattice Boltzmann modeling of wallBoltzmann modeling of wall--bounded ternary fluid flowsbounded ternary fluid flows, , Applied Mathematical Applied Mathematical Modelling, Modelling, 73, 48773, 487--513,2019513,2019

[19] Min Li, Chengming Huang, Wanyuan MingMin Li, Chengming Huang, Wanyuan Ming, , Barycentric rational collocation methods Barycentric rational collocation methods for Volterra integral equations with weakly singular kernelsfor Volterra integral equations with weakly singular kernels, , Computational Computational &Applied Mathematics, 38, 3, UNSP 120, 2019&Applied Mathematics, 38, 3, UNSP 120, 2019

[20] Huadong Gao, Lili Ju, Wen XieHuadong Gao, Lili Ju, Wen Xie, A stabilized semi, A stabilized semi--Implicit Euler GaugeImplicit Euler Gauge--Invariant Invariant method for the timemethod for the time--dependent Ginzburgdependent Ginzburg--Landau equationsLandau equations,,Journal of Scientific Journal of Scientific Computing, 80, 2, 1083Computing, 80, 2, 1083--1115, 20191115, 2019

[21] Guoqiang Ren, Bin LiuGuoqiang Ren, Bin Liu, , Global boundedness and asymptotic behavior in a twGlobal boundedness and asymptotic behavior in a twoo--species chemospecies chemotaxistaxis--competition system with two signalscompetition system with two signals, , Nonlinear AnalysisNonlinear Analysis--Real World Applications, 48, 288Real World Applications, 48, 288--325, 2019325, 2019

[22] SongSong--Mei Huan, XiaoMei Huan, Xiao--Song YangSong Yang, , Limit cycles in a family of Planar piecewise linear Limit cycles in a family of Planar piecewise linear differential systems with a nonregular separation linedifferential systems with a nonregular separation line, , InternaInternational Journal of tional Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 29, 8, 1950109, 2019Bifurcation and Chaos, 29, 8, 1950109, 2019

[23] Dongfang Li, Chengda Wu, Zhimin ZhangDongfang Li, Chengda Wu, Zhimin Zhang, , Linearized Galerkin FEMs for nonlinear Linearized Galerkin FEMs for nonlinear time fractional parabolic problems with nontime fractional parabolic problems with non--smooth solutions in time directionsmooth solutions in time direction, ,Journal of Scientific Computing, 80, 1, 403, 80, 1, 403--419, 2019419, 2019

[24] Lei Wang, Yong Zhao, Xuguang Yang, Baochang Shi, Zhenhua ChaiLei Wang, Yong Zhao, Xuguang Yang, Baochang Shi, Zhenhua Chai, , A lattice A lattice Boltzmann analysis of the conjugate natural convection in a square enclosure with a Boltzmann analysis of the conjugate natural convection in a square enclosure with a circular cylindercircular cylinder, , Applied Mathematical Modelling, 71, 31Applied Mathematical Modelling, 71, 31--44, 201944, 2019

[25] Yingzhe Fan, Yuanjie LeiYingzhe Fan, Yuanjie Lei, , The Boltzmann equation with frictional force for very soft The Boltzmann equation with frictional force for very soft potentials in the whole spacepotentials in the whole space, , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 39, 7, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 39, 7, 43034303--4329, 20194329, 2019

[26] Xiuya Guo, Zhenhua Chai, Shengyong Pang, YongXiuya Guo, Zhenhua Chai, Shengyong Pang, Yong ZhaoZhao, Baochang Shi, Baochang Shi, , Mixed Mixed bouncebounce--back boundary scheme of the general propagation lattice Boltzmann method back boundary scheme of the general propagation lattice Boltzmann method for advectionfor advection--diffusion equationsdiffusion equations, , Physical Review E, 99, 6, 063316, 2019Physical Review E, 99, 6, 063316, 2019

[27] B. P. Moghaddam, Lei Zhang, A. M Lopes, Machado J. A. Tenreiro, Z. S. B. P. Moghaddam, Lei Zhang, A. M Lopes, Machado J. A. Tenreiro, Z. S. MostaghimMostaghim, , SufficienSufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of fractional stochastic t conditions for existence and uniqueness of fractional stochastic delay differential equationsdelay differential equations, , StochasticsStochastics--An International Journal of Probability and An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, DOI: 10.1080/17442508.2019.1625903, 2019 Stochastic Processes, DOI: 10.1080/17442508.2019.1625903, 2019

[28] Yuanfei Huang, Ying Chao, ShenglanYuanfei Huang, Ying Chao, Shenglan Yuan, Jinqiao DuanYuan, Jinqiao Duan, , Characterization of the Characterization of the most probable transition paths of stochastic dynamical systems with stable Levy noisemost probable transition paths of stochastic dynamical systems with stable Levy noise,, Journal of Statistical MechanicsJournal of Statistical Mechanics--Theory and Experiment, DOI: 063204, 2019Theory and Experiment, DOI: 063204, 2019

[29] Hua Huang, ZhiwenHua Huang, Zhiwen, , Duan, Quan ZhengDuan, Quan Zheng,,IInversenverse scattering for the higher ordscattering for the higher order Schrodinger operator with a first order perturbationer Schrodinger operator with a first order perturbation,, Journal of Inverse and Journal of Inverse and IllIll--posed Problemsposed Problems, , 27, 3, 40927, 3, 409--427, 2019427, 2019

[30] Tian Chong, Yuxin Dong, Yibin Ren, Guilin YangTian Chong, Yuxin Dong, Yibin Ren, Guilin Yang, , On harmonic and pseudoOn harmonic and pseudoharmonic maps from harmonic maps from pseudopseudo--hermitian manifoldshermitian manifolds ,, Nagoya Mathematical Journal,Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 234, 170234, 170--210, DOI: PII S0027763017000381, 2019 210, DOI: PII S0027763017000381, 2019

[31] Xiaolei Yuan, Zhenhua Chai, Baochang Shi, Dynamic behavior of droplet through a Xiaolei Yuan, Zhenhua Chai, Baochang Shi, Dynamic behavior of droplet through a confining orifice: A lattice Boltzmann study, Computers &Mathemaconfining orifice: A lattice Boltzmann study, Computers &Mathematics with tics with Applications, 77, 10, 2640Applications, 77, 10, 2640--2658, 20192658, 2019

[32] Chao YingChao Ying,, PingyuanPingyuan Wei,Wei, ShenglanShenglan Yuan, Yuan, Invariant foliations for stochastic Invariant foliations for stochastic dynamical systems with multiplicative stable levy noisedynamical systems with multiplicative stable levy noise, , Electronic Journal of Electronic Journal of Differentical Equations, DOI: 68, 2019Differentical Equations, DOI: 68, 2019

[33] SheShenglan Yuan, Jianyu Hu, Xianming Liu, Jinqiao Duannglan Yuan, Jianyu Hu, Xianming Liu, Jinqiao Duan, , Slow manifolds for Slow manifolds for dynamical systems with nondynamical systems with non--Gaussian stable Levy noiseGaussian stable Levy noise, , Analysis and Applications, Analysis and Applications, 17, 3, 47717, 3, 477--511, 2019511, 2019

[34] Yongtao Zhou, Chengjian Zhang, OneYongtao Zhou, Chengjian Zhang, One--leg methods for nonlinear stiff fractionalleg methods for nonlinear stiff fractional differential equations with Caputo derivatives, Applied Mathematics and Computation, differential equations with Caputo derivatives, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 348, 594348, 594--608, 2019608, 2019

[35] Mingfa Fei, Chengming Huang, GalerkinMingfa Fei, Chengming Huang, Galerkin--Legendre spectral method for the distLegendre spectral method for the distributedributed--order time fractional fourthorder time fractional fourth--order partial differential equatioorder partial differential equationn, , InternationInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics,al Journal of Computer Mathematics, DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2019.1608968DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2019.1608968,, 20201919

[36] Heping Ma, BinHeping Ma, Bin LiuLiu, , Optimal control of meanOptimal control of mean--field jumpfield jump--diffusion systems with diffusion systems with noisy memory, International Journal of Control, 92, 4, 816noisy memory, International Journal of Control, 92, 4, 816--827, 2019827, 2019

[37] XiaoleXiaolei Yang, Yanbin Tangi Yang, Yanbin Tang, , Decay estimates of nonlocal diffusion equations in some Decay estimates of nonlocal diffusion equations in some particle systemsparticle systems, , Journal of Mathematical Phasics, 60,4 ,DOI:Journal of Mathematical Phasics, 60,4 ,DOI: UNSP 043302, 2019UNSP 043302, 2019

[38] Ziying He, Jinqiao Duan, Xiujun ChengZiying He, Jinqiao Duan, Xiujun Cheng, , A parameter estimator based on SmoA parameter estimator based on Smoluchowskiluchowski--Kramers Kramers approximation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 90, 54approximation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 90, 54--60, 20160, 2019

[39] Hongfei Cui, Lulu Fang, Yiwei ZhangHongfei Cui, Lulu Fang, Yiwei Zhang, , A note on the run length function forA note on the run length function for intermittent mapsintermittent maps, , Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 472, 1,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 472, 1, 937937--946, 2019946, 2019

[40] Huadong Gao, WeifenHuadong Gao, Weifeng Qiug Qiu, , A semiA semi--implicit energy conserving finite element implicit energy conserving finite element method for the dynamical incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equationsmethod for the dynamical incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations, , CoComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 346, 982mputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 346, 982--1001, 20191001, 2019

[41] Shaobo Zhou, Hai JinShaobo Zhou, Hai Jin,,Implicit numerical solutionImplicit numerical solutions to neutrals to neutral--type stochastic systems type stochastic systems with superlinearly growing coefficients, Journal of Compitational and Applied with superlinearly growing coefficients, Journal of Compitational and Applied Methematics, 350, 423Methematics, 350, 423--441, 2019441, 2019

[42] Xiujun Cheng, Jinqiao Duan, Dongfang LiXiujun Cheng, Jinqiao Duan, Dongfang Li, , A novel compact ADI scheme for A novel compact ADI scheme for twotwo--dimensional Riesz space fracdimensional Riesz space fractional nonlinear reactiontional nonlinear reaction--diffusion equationsdiffusion equations, , Applied Methematics and Computation, 346, 452Applied Methematics and Computation, 346, 452--464, 2019464, 2019

[43] Guoqiang Ren, Bin LiuGuoqiang Ren, Bin Liu, , Global existence of bounded solutions for a quasilinear Global existence of bounded solutions for a quasilinear chemotaxis system with logistic sourcechemotaxis system with logistic source, , Nonlinear AnalysisNonlinear Analysis--Real WorldReal World Applications, Applications, 46, 54546, 545--582, 2019582, 2019

[44] Chengjian Zhang, Ying XieChengjian Zhang, Ying Xie, , Backward EulerBackward Euler--Maruyama method applied to Maruyama method applied to nonlinear hybrid stochastic differential equations with timenonlinear hybrid stochastic differential equations with time--variable delay, Sciencevariable delay, Science ChinaChina--Mathematics, 62, 3, 597Mathematics, 62, 3, 597--616, 2019616, 2019

[45] Peter E Kloeden, Meihua Yang, Forward attracting sets of fractionMeihua Yang, Forward attracting sets of fraction--diffusion diffusion equations on variable domains, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systemsequations on variable domains, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems--Series B, Series B, 24, 3, SI, 125924, 3, SI, 1259--1271, 20191271, 2019

[46] Zhenhua Chai, Xiuya Guo, Lei Wang, Baochang Shi, MaxwellZhenhua Chai, Xiuya Guo, Lei Wang, Baochang Shi, Maxwell--StefanStefan--theorytheory--based based lattice Boltzmann model for diffusion in multicomponent mixtureslattice Boltzmann model for diffusion in multicomponent mixtures, P, Physical Review hysical Review E, 99, 2, DOI:E, 99, 2, DOI: 023312, 2019023312, 2019

[47] Lei Zhang, Bin LiuLei Zhang, Bin Liu, , The obstacle problem of integroThe obstacle problem of integro--partial differential equations partial differential equationswith applications to stochastic optimal control/stopping

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[48] Zhiwen Duan, Shuxia HanZhiwen Duan, Shuxia Han, , An inverse boundary problem for fourthAn inverse boundary problem for fourth--order order schrodinger equations with partial dataschrodinger equations with partial data, , Mathematica Slovaca, 69, 1, 125Mathematica Slovaca, 69, 1, 125--138,138, 20192019

[49] ShuShu--Lin Wu, Chengming HuangLin Wu, Chengming Huang, , Asymptotic Results of Schwarz Waveform Asymptotic Results of Schwarz Waveform Relaxation Algorithm for Time Fractional Cable EquationsRelaxation Algorithm for Time Fractional Cable Equations, , Communications in Communications in Computational Physics, 25, 2, 390Computational Physics, 25, 2, 390--415, 2019 415, 2019

[50] Lei Wang, Xuguang Yang, Changsheng Huang, Zhenhua Lei Wang, Xuguang Yang, Changsheng Huang, Zhenhua Chai, Baochang Shi, Chai, Baochang Shi, Hybrid lattice BoltzmannHybrid lattice Boltzmann--TVD simulation of natural convection of nanofluids in a TVD simulation of natural convection of nanofluids in a partially heated square cavity using Buongiorno's model, Applied Thermal partially heated square cavity using Buongiorno's model, Applied Thermal Engineering, 146, 318Engineering, 146, 318--327 ,2019327 ,2019

[51] Zhenhua Chai, Hong Liang, Rui Du, Baochang SZhenhua Chai, Hong Liang, Rui Du, Baochang Shihi, , A lattice Boltzmann model for A lattice Boltzmann model for twotwo--phase flow in porous mediaphase flow in porous media, , SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41, 4, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41, 4, B746B746--B772, 2019B772, 2019

[52] Nan Wang, Zhiping Mao, Chengming Huang, George E. M. KarniadakisNan Wang, Zhiping Mao, Chengming Huang, George E. M. Karniadakis, , A spectral A spectral penalty method for weopenalty method for weo--sided fractional differsided fractional differential equations with general boundary ential equations with general boundary conditions, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41, 3, A1840conditions, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 41, 3, A1840--A1866, 2019A1866, 2019

[53] Min Li, Chengming Huang, The Linear Barycentric Rational Quadrature Method for Min Li, Chengming Huang, The Linear Barycentric Rational Quadrature Method for AutoAuto--Convolution Volterra Integral EquationsConvolution Volterra Integral Equations Journal of ScJournal of Scientific Computing, 78,ientific Computing, 78, 1, 1, 549549--564, 2019564, 2019

[54] Jiwei Zhang, Dongfang Li, Xavier Antoine, Efficient Numerical Computation oJiwei Zhang, Dongfang Li, Xavier Antoine, Efficient Numerical Computation of Timef Time--Fractional Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations in Unbounded Domain,ComFractional Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations in Unbounded Domain,Communications in Computational Physics, 25, 1, 218munications in Computational Physics, 25, 1, 218--243, 2019243, 2019

[55] Tingting Qin, Chengjian Zhang, A general class of oneTingting Qin, Chengjian Zhang, A general class of one--step approximation for step approximation for indexindex--1 stochastic delay1 stochastic delay--differentialdifferential--algebraic equationsalgebraic equations, , Journal of ComputationalJournal of Computational Mathematics, 37, 2, 151Mathematics, 37, 2, 151--169, 2019169, 2019

[56] Meng Li, Chengming HuangMeng Li, Chengming Huang, , An efficient difference scheAn efficient difference scheme for the coupled nonlinear me for the coupled nonlinear fractional Ginzburgfractional Ginzburg--Landau equations with the fractional LaplacianLandau equations with the fractional Laplacian, , Numerical Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 35, 1, 394Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 35, 1, 394--421, 2019421, 2019

[57] Ying Xie, Chengjian Zhang, A class of stochastic oneYing Xie, Chengjian Zhang, A class of stochastic one--parameter methods for parameter methods for nonlinear SFDEs with piecewise continuous argumentsnonlinear SFDEs with piecewise continuous arguments, , Applied Numerical MatApplied Numerical Mathematics, 135hematics, 135, , 11--14, 201914, 2019

[58] Yongtao Zhou, Chengjian ZhangYongtao Zhou, Chengjian Zhang, , Convergence and stability of block boundary Convergence and stability of block boundary value value methods applied to nonlinear fractional differential equations with Caputo derivativesmethods applied to nonlinear fractional differential equations with Caputo derivatives,, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 135, 367Applied Numerical Mathematics, 135, 367--380, 2019380, 2019

[59]] Feng Dai, Bin LiuFeng Dai, Bin Liu, , Optimal control and pattern formation for a haptotaxis model of Optimal control and pattern formation for a haptotaxis model of solid tumor invasion, , JoJournal of The Franklin Instituteurnal of The Franklin Institute--Engineering and Applied Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 356, 16, 9364Mathematics, 356, 16, 9364--9406, 20199406, 2019

[60]] Haiyong WangHaiyong Wang, , Analysis of Spectral Approximations Using Eigenfunctions of Analysis of Spectral Approximations Using Eigenfunctions of Fractional SturmFractional Sturm--Liouville ProblemsLiouville Problems, , Journal of Scientific Computing, 81, 3, Journal of Scientific Computing, 81, 3, 16551655--11677, SI677, SI, , DOI: 10.1007/s10915DOI: 10.1007/s10915--019019--0105601056--4, 20194, 2019

[61]] XiaoXiao--Song Yang, Lei WangSong Yang, Lei Wang, , PeriodPeriod--Increasing Indicates Loss of StabilityIncreasing Indicates Loss of Stability, , InterInternational Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 29, 12 DOI: national Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 29, 12 DOI: 10.1142/S0218127419510.1142/S021812741950159101591, , 2019

[62] Haixia Liu, Xue] Haixia Liu, Xue--Cheng TaiCheng Tai, , Curvature based authetication of Van Gogh paintingsCurvature based authetication of Van Gogh paintings, , Methods and Applications of Analysis, 26, 3, 269Methods and Applications of Analysis, 26, 3, 269--279, SI, 2019279, SI, 2019

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