



Efficient thermal lattice Boltzmann method for liquid-vapor phase change


摘要Liquid-vapor phase change phenomenon often arise in nature and scientific researchers, but numerical modelling of such problem still remains a challenging task in the lattice Boltzmann (LB) community. In this talk, we intend to introduce our recent progress on this topic. As we shall see, in contrast to previous models, the basic idea of the present model is that the temperature equation is treated as a pure diffusion equation with a source term. Additionally, in order to avoid the calculation of the gradient term of heat capacity, a novel collision term is introduced to the evolution equation of the temperature distribution function, which makes the present model retain the main merits of the standard LB method . Several 2D and 3D numerical tests show that our new approach could provide comparable results to the finite-difference-scheme or the experimental data, illustrating that our new model is adequate for liquid-vapor phase change problems. Finally, the extensions of the present model to the conjugate heat transfer and the thermocapillary are also briefly summarized.

主讲人简介 汪垒,中国地质大学(武汉)数学与物理学院副教授,硕士生导师,地大学者青年拔尖人才岗,主要从事复杂流体流动的格子Boltzmann方法的理论和应用研究,已在Physical Review E, Physics of Fluids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 等国际期刊发表学术上论文30余篇,主持国家自然科学基金、安徽省科技重大专项等横纵向项目5项。



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