


报告人:吕克宁 教授(美国杨伯翰大学)

报告题目:Chaotic Behavior of Dynamical Systems Driven by an External Forcing

报告摘要:This talk contains three parts:(1) The existence of SRB measures and their properties for infinite dimensional dynamical systems and  SRB measures for parabolic PDEs undergoing Hopf bifurcations driven by a periodic forcing with applications to the Brusselator;(2) Positive entropy implying the existence of horseshoes for infinite dimensional random dynamical systems;(3)Chaotic behavior of Anosov systems driven by an external forcing. This is based on the joint works with Wen Huang,Zeng Lian,Peidong Liu,Qiudong Wang,and Lai-Sang Young.

报告人简介:吕克宁,美国杨伯翰大学教授,四川大学数学学院学术院长,无穷维动力系统与随机动力系统领域专家。主要研究成果发表在Invention Math, Memoirs of AMS, CPAM, ARMA, Annal of Probability等国际顶尖数学杂志。现任国际一流杂志Journal of Differential Equations主编。



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