主持人:李骥 |
报告人 |
时 间 |
报告题目 |
乔志军 |
9:00-9:45 |
Integrable systems with peakons and cuspons |
9:45-10:15:会间休息 |
张玉峰 |
10:15-11:00 |
Some similarity solutions and numerical solutions to the time-fractional Burgers system |
11:00-11:30 交流讨论 |
主持人:张光辉 |
报告人 |
时 间 |
报告题目 |
贺劲松 |
14:30-15:15 |
Introduction to optical rogue waves |
15:15-15:45 会间休息 |
李骥 |
15:45-16:30 |
Introduction to invariant manifold theory |
16:30-17:00交流讨论 |
主持人:李骥 |
报告人 |
时 间 |
报告题目 |
乔志军 |
8:30-9:15 |
Integrable system with peakon, weak kink, and kink-peakon interactional solutions |
李淑霞 |
9:15-10:00 |
Lax Algebraic Representation for an Integrable Hierarchy |
10:00-10:30 会间休息 |
10:30-11:00 交流讨论 |
Integrable systems with peakons and cuspons
Abstract:In my talk, I will introduce integrable peakon and cuspon equations and present a basic approach how to get peakon solutions. Those equations include the well-known Camassa-Holm (CH), the Degasperis-Procesi (DP), and other new peakon equations with M/W-shape solutions. I take the CH case as a typical example to explain the details. My presentation is based on my previous work (Communications in Mathematical Physics 239, 309-341). I will show that the Camassa-Holm (CH) spectral problem yields two different integrable hierarchies of nonlinear evolution equations (NLEEs), one is of negative order CH hierarchy while the other one is of positive order CH hierarchy. The two CH hierarchies possess the zero curvature representations through solving a key matrix equation. We see that the well-known CH equation is included in the negative order CH hierarchy while the Dym type equation is included in the positive order CH hierarchy. In particular, the CH peakon equation is extended to the FORQ and other higher order peakon models with peakon and weak-kink solutions. In the end of my talk, some open problems are also addressed for discussion.
Some similarity solutions and numerical solutions to the time-fractional Burgers system
Abstract:In the paper, we discuss some similarity solutions of the time-fractional Burgers system (TFBS). Firstly, with the help of the Lie-point symmetry and the corresponding invariant variables, we transform the TFBS to a fractional ordinary differential system (FODS) under the case where the time-fractional derivative is the Riemann-Liouville type. The FODS can be approximated by some integer-order ordinary differential equations, here we present three such integer-order ordinary differential equations (called IODE-one, IODE-two and IODE-three, respectively). For the IODE-one, we obtain its similarity solutions and its numerical solutions, which are the approximated similarity solutions and the approximated numerical solutions of the TFBS. Secondly, with the aid of a scalar Lie transformation, we transform the TFBS to another FODS under the case where the time-fractional derivative is the Caputo type, whose similarity solutions are expressed by the Beta function. Finally, we apply the numerical method to obtain the numerical solutions of the IODE-two and the IODE-three.
Introduction to optical rogue wave
Abstract:The optical rogue waves will be discussed based on two integrable models which are two well-known modeling equations in optical systems, i.e.., nonlinear Schrodinger equation and derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation. We shall summary the experiment observations of the rogue waves. The constructions of the rogue waves of the nonlinear Schrodinger equations and the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equations will be discussed by the Darboux transformation and the determinant representations.
Introduction to invariant manifold theory
Abstract:Invanriant manifolds are used to describ the long term behavior of a dynamical system. The existence of invariant manifold for general system is hard to prove unless the system is close to some simple well hehaved one. We discuss the persistence of invariant manifold under perturbation. Then we introduce the this theory could be used to get the geometric singular perturbation theory. We also show how these theory could be applied and extended.
Integrable system with peakon, weak kink, and kink-peakon interactional solution
Abstract:In this work, we study an integrable system with both quadratic and cubic nonlinearity. This model is kind of a cubic generalization of the Camassa-Holm (CH) equation. The equation is shown integrable with its Lax pair, bi-Hamiltonian structure, and infinitely many conservation laws. In the case of no linear term, the peaked soliton (peakon) and multi-peakon solutions are presented. In particular, the two-peakon dynamical system is explicitly presented and their collisions are investigated in details. In some special case, the weak kink and kink-peakon interactional solutions are found. Significant difference from the CH equation is analyzed through a comparison. In the paper, we also study all possible smooth one-soliton solutions for the system. This work is joint with Dr. Baoqiang Xia and Professor Jibin Li.
Lax Algebraic Representation for an Integrable Hierarchy
Abstract: Using the functional gradient approach of eigenvalues, this talk presents a pair of Lenard’s operators for the Levi’s vector fields and establishes commutator representations for hierarchies of Levi’s equations. The relationship between potential and stationary Levi’s system is discussed in the end.