




413 上午 主持人:林聪萍

8:30-8:40 开幕式,实验室张诚坚主任致辞



Mathematical Modeling and Quantitative Analysis for the   Tumor- Immune interactions



A general mathematical framework for understanding the behavior   of heterogeneous stem cell regeneration








Landscape   of cellular networks




413日下午  主持人:张一威



Markovian   approaches to modeling non-Markovian reaction processes



The   impact of radiation on the development of lung cancer





Model   of motor protein kinesin based on the mechanics of neck linkers



An   Adaptation Model for Slime Mold Physarum Polycephalum



A stochastic model of axonal organelle accumulation   induced by reduction of molecular motors



414 上午  主持人:林聪萍



Rules   behind Complex Aspects of Cancer: stochastic dynamics as a revealing approach



A coarse-graining framework for   spiking neuronal networks: from local, low-order moments to large-scale   spatiotemporal activities





Network   connectivity reconstruction from dynamics in neuronal systems



Vulnerability and cosusceptibility on Brain   cascading networks



Spatial dynamics of interacting   contagions

414日下午 主持人: 张一威



Predicting future dynamics and   quantifying critical states in complex systems



Identification of pre-microRNAs by   characterizing their sequence order evolution information and secondary   structure graphs



Robust Sparse Additive Models










Mathematical Modeling and Quantitative Analysis for the Tumor- Immune interactions



With the use of cancer immunotherapy has obtained a more prominent application in the clinic, better understanding of complex relationships between the tumor and immunity microenvironments is critical to design successful therapeutic protocol. In this talk, I will introduce the recent progress and our work in mathematical modeling of tumor-immune ecosystem. Qualitative and quantitative results will help to guide the identification of targets for combinatorial therapy to overcome mechanisms of resistance to immune therapy.

A general mathematical framework for understanding the behavior of heterogeneous stem cell regeneration



Stem cell heterogeneity is essential for the homeostasis in tissue development. This paper established a general formulation for understanding the dynamics of stem cell regeneration with cell heterogeneity and random transitions of epigenetic states. The model generalizes the classical G0 cell cycle model, and incorporates the epigenetic states of stem cells that are represented by a continuous multidimensional variable and the kinetic rates of cell behaviors, including proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis, that are dependent on their epigenetic states. Moreover, the random transition of epigenetic states is represented by an inheritance probability that can be described as a conditional beta distribution. This model can be extended to investigate gene mutation-induced tumor development. The proposed formula is a generalized formula that helps us to understand various dynamic processes of stem cell regeneration, including tissue development, degeneration, and abnormal growth.





Landscape of cellular networks



Cellular functions in biological systems are regulated by the underlying gene regulatory networks. How to investigate the global properties of gene networks is a challenging problem. In this talk, I will present some approaches we recently developed, i.e. the potential landscape and path framework, to study the stochastic dynamics of gene networks. The basins on the landscape characterize different cell states. The landscape topography in terms of barrier heights between stable states quantifies the global stability of the gene regulatory system. The kinetic paths based on the minimum action principles quantify the transition processes between different cell states. I will also discuss some applications of this approach in the biological systems, including cancer, cell cycle, and epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMT).





Markovian approaches to modeling non-Markovian reaction processes




The impact of radiation on the development of lung cancer



Environment factors such as radiation play an important role in the incidence of lung cancer. In spite of substantial efforts in experimental study and mathematical modeling, it is still a significant challenge to estimate lung cancer risk from radiation. To address this issue, we propose a stochastic model to investigate the impact of radiation on the development of lung cancer. The proposed three-stage model with clonal expansion is used to match the data of the male and female patients in the Osaka Cancer Registry (OCR) and Life Span Study (LSS) cohort of atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Our results indicate that the major effect of radiation on the development of lung cancer is to induce gene mutations for both male and female patients. In particular, for male patients, radiation affects the mutation in normal cells and the transformation from premalignant cells to malignant ones. However, radiation for female patients increases the mutation rates of the first two mutations in the stochastic model. The established relationship between parameters and radiation will provide insightful prediction for the lung cancer incidence in the radiation exposure.

Model of motor protein kinesin based on the mechanics of neck linkers



Kinesin is one of the most important motor proteins in cells, which can move processively along microtubule to the plus end. With the development of experimental techniques (especially optical tweezers), many experimental data, which are related to varies biophysical properties of kinesin, have been obtained. Meanwhile, in recent decades, based on biophysical and biochemical principles, varies kinds of model have also been designed to try to obtain the motion mechanism of kinesin. In which,

most of them assume that the hand-over-hand motion of kinesin is tightly coupled with the cyclic hydrolysis of ATP molecules, and then use the chemical master equation to describe the corresponding chemical reaction cycle. Where the external load dependence of transition rates is usually given by Bell approximation. In this study, the mechanochemical cyclic of kinesin will be described by a different way, where the rebinding of the dissociated head of kinesin to microtubule binding site is assumed to be a stochastic search process, but this search process is tethered by neck linkers. By regarding the two neck linkers as a wormlike chain, the mean search time can be obtained explicitly, and consequently the mean velocity of kinesin can be derived. By fitting to experimental data, several biophysical quantities can be obtained, including the counter/persistence length of neck linkers, the dwell times of kinesin in two-head binding state and one-head binding state. This study also finds that, for kinesin purified from squid, there exists two substeps in each 8.2 nm step, which around 2-3 nm and 5-6 nm respectively. While for kinesin from bovine brain or Drosophila, the substeps are not evident.

An Adaptation Model for Slime Mold Physarum Polycephalum



A Physarum Polycephalum is a single-celled animal that appears to be able to form intelligent network structures. Such a network is used for transportation of mass and energy in its body. There have been a few models discussing the formation dynamics of the networks structure. Nevertheless, very few has been discussed about the biological stimuli that drive such adaptation models. In this talk, we present a mathematical model to show that by an adaptation dynamics in response to local shear stress on the cell wall, the Physarum Polycephalum is able to minimize the total energy cost in fluid delivery. Furthermore, using an asymptotic analysis, we reduce the three-dimensional fluid flow to a two-dimensional flow and obtain an adaptation model of the thickness of Physarum Polycephalum. This model appears to be very similar to our previous model on the initiation of biological transport networks, thus can lead to the formation of networks structure with optimized energy cost.

A stochastic model of axonal organelle accumulation

induced by reduction of molecular motors



Nerve cells are critically dependent on the transport of intracellular cargoes, which are moved by motor proteins along microtubule tracks. Impairments in this movement are thought to explain the focal accumulations of axonal cargoes and axonal swellings observed in many neurodegenerative diseases. In some cases, these diseases are caused by mutations that impair motor protein function, and genetic depletion of functional molecular motors has been shown to lead to cargo accumulations in axons. The evolution of these accumulations has been compared to the formation of traffic jams on a highway, but this idea remains largely untested. In this paper, we investigated the underlying mechanism of local axonal cargo accumulation induced by a global reduction of functional molecular motors in axons. We hypothesized that (i) a reduction in motor number leads to a reduction in the number of active motors on each cargo which in turn leads to less persistent movement, more frequent stops and thus shorter runs; (ii) as cargoes stop more frequently, they impede the passage of other cargoes, leading to local ‘traffic jams’; and (iii) collisions between moving and stopping cargoes can push stopping cargoes further away from their microtubule tracks, preventing them from reattaching and leading to the evolution of local cargo accumulations. We used a lattice-based stochastic model to test whether this mechanism can lead to the cargo accumulation patterns observed in experiments. Simulation results of the model support the hypothesis and identify key questions that must be tested experimentally.

Rules behind Complex Aspects of Cancer:

stochastic dynamics as a revealing approach



A coarse-graining framework for spiking neuronal networks: from local, low-order moments to large-scale spatiotemporal activities



In this talk we provide a general methodology for systematically reducing the dynamics of a class of integrate-and-fire networks down to an augmented 4-dimensional system of ordinary-differential-equations. The class of integrate-and-fire networks we focus on are homogeneously-structured, strongly coupled, and fluctuation-driven. Our reduction succeeds where most current firing-rate and population-dynamics models fail because we account for the emergence of ‘multiple-firing- events’ involving the semi-synchronous firing of many neurons. These multiple-firing-events are largely responsible for the fluctuations generated by the network and, as a result, our reduction faithfully describes many dynamic regimes ranging from homogeneous to synchronous. Our reduction is based on first principles, and provides an analyzable link between the integrate-and-fire network parameters and the relatively low-dimensional dynamics underlying the 4-dimensional augmented ODE.

Network connectivity reconstruction from dynamics in neuronal systems



How neurons are connected in the brain to perform computation is a key issue in neuroscience. Recently, the development of calcium imaging and multi-electrode array techniques have greatly enhanced our ability to measure the firing activities of neuronal populations at single cell level. Meanwhile, the intracellular recording technique is able to measure subthreshold voltage dynamics of a neuron. Our work addresses the issue of how to combine these measurements to reveal the underlying network structure. We propose the spike-triggered regression (STR) method, which employs both the voltage trace and firing activity of the neuronal population to reconstruct the underlying synaptic connectivity. Our numerical study of the conductance-based integrate-and-fire neuronal network shows that only short data of 20 100 s is required for an accurate recovery of network topology as well as the corresponding coupling strength. Our method can yield an accurate reconstruction of a large neuronal network even in the case of dense connectivity and nearly synchronous dynamics, which many other network reconstruction methods cannot successfully handle. In addition, we point out that, for sparse networks, the STR method can infer coupling strength between each pair of neurons with high accuracy in the absence of the global information of all other neurons.

Vulnerability and cosusceptibility on Brain cascading networks



In networked systems, a local perturbation can propagate by following paths along the network of interactions between the system's units. Such behaviour can lead to a large-scale cascade of interaction failures. We adapt a classical load-redistribution model and based on brain networks that have been investigated with diffusion MRI, conduct an analysis of the vulnerability and cosusceptibility of the corresponding brain networks. We find a group of nodes that can, potentially, fail simultaneously. The cascade model advances our understanding of linked failures in brain networks, and our results provide new insights in understanding disease progression in, e.g., Dementia.

Spatial dynamics of interacting contagions



The spread of infectious diseases, rumors, fashions, innovations are complex dynamical processes, embedded both in network and spatial contexts. While most of previous work are based on single infection modeling, the reality is that hundreds or even thousands of different infectious strains simultaneously spread around the world. In this talk, I will show that when two infections are allowed to circulate around in the population and the presence of possible interaction, the contagion dynamics could exhibit quite different behaviors, including the abrupt outbreak transition, an avalanche scenario that much difficult to contain; In the spatial context, unexpected propagation modes are revealed such as receding waves or the standing wave; persistent spatial patterns are also possible, which make the eradication quite difficult. The uncovered dynamics are in sharp contrast with the case of single infection. These observations of "more is different" imply that the wisdom obtained from previous work based on single infection may not sufficient to capture the contagion complexities in the real world.

Predicting future dynamics and quantifying critical states in complex systems



This talk includes two parts, (1) randomly distributed embedding for future dynamics prediction on steady states, and (2) dynamic network marker for criticality quantification near critical states (or tipping points).

(1) Future state prediction for nonlinear dynamical systems is a challenging task, particularly when only a few time series samples for high-dimensional variables are available from real-world systems. In this work, we propose a model-free framework, named randomly distributed embedding (RDE), to achieve accurate future state prediction based on short-term high-dimensional data. Specifically, from the observed data of high-dimensional variables, the RDE framework randomly generates a sufficient number of low-dimensional “nondelay embeddings” and maps each of them to a “delay embedding,” which is constructed from the data of a to be predicted target variable. Any of these mappings can perform as a low-dimensional weak predictor for future state prediction, and all of such mappings generate a distribution of predicted future states. This distribution actually patches all pieces of association information from various embeddings unbiasedly or biasedly into the whole dynamics of the target variable, which after operated by appropriate estimation strategies, creates a stronger predictor for achieving prediction in a more reliable and robust form. Through applying the RDE framework to data from both representative models and real-world systems, we reveal that a high-dimension feature is no longer an obstacle but a source of information crucial to accurate prediction for short-term data, even under noise deterioration.

(2) Considerable evidence suggests that during the progression of complex diseases, the deteriorations are not necessarily smooth but are abrupt, and may cause a critical transition from one state to another at a tipping point. Here, we develop a model-free method to detect early-warning signals of such critical transitions, even with only a small number of samples. Specifically, we theoretically derive an index based on a dynamic network biomarker (DNB) or dynamic network marker (DNM) that serves as a general early-warning signal indicating an imminent bifurcation or sudden deterioration before the critical transition occurs. Based on theoretical analyses, we show that predicting a sudden transition from small samples is achievable provided that there are a large number of measurements for each sample, e.g., high-throughput data. We employ microarray data of three diseases to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. The relevance of DNBs with the diseases was also validated by related experimental data and functional analysis.

Identification of pre-microRNAs by characterizing their sequence order evolution information and secondary structure graphs



Distinction between pre-microRNAs (precursor microRNAs) and length-similar pseudo pre-microRNAs can reveal more about the regulatory mechanism of RNA biological processes. Machine learning techniques have been widely applied to deal with this challenging problem. We use new features for the machine learning algorithms to improve the classification performance by characterizing both sequence order evolution information and secondary structure graphs. We developed three steps to extract these features of pre-microRNAs. We first extract features from PSI-BLAST profiles and Hilbert-Huang transforms, which contain rich sequence evolution information and sequence-order information respectively. We then obtain properties of small molecular networks of pre-microRNAs, which contain refined secondary structure information. Then support vector machine (SVM) is applied as our classifier. The constructed classification model is named MicroRNA-NHPred. The performance of MicroRNA-NHPred is high and stable, which is better than that of those state-of-the-art methods, achieving an accuracy of up to 94.83% on same benchmark datasets.

Robust Sparse Additive Models



Sparse additive models have been successfully applied to high dimensional data analysis due to their representation flexibility and interpretability. However, existing methods are often formulated with the least squares loss under the mean square error (MSE) criterion, which may result in performance degradation for data with skewed noise, heavy-tailed noise, and outliers. In this talk, we introduce a new sparse method, called sparse modal additive model (SpMAM), by integrating the mode-induced loss and the coefficient-based \ell_q-regularizer into additive models. In contrast to existing methods that aim to learning the mean, the proposed modal regression approximates the intrinsic mode and is robust to the complex noise. The performance of SpMAM is evaluated by theoretical characterizations on generalization bound and variable selection consistency, and by experimental analysis on simulated and benchmark datasets.




人们相信细胞的phenotype是由其genotype所决定的。针对个体细胞中基因调节机制的定量研究是理解相同细胞群体的各种宏观生理现象的关键一步。 基于单个乳腺肿瘤细胞中基因zeb1cdh1之间的调控机制,我们提出了一个单个乳腺肿瘤细胞的基因调控数学模型,该模型揭示出: (i) 单个乳腺癌细胞具有三种表型; (ii) 肿瘤细胞表型之间的相互转换可以通过噪声诱导,表型转换特性可用平均第一次通过时间来量化; (iii) 在一定条件下,单个肿瘤细胞出现在三种表型的概率与乳腺癌SUM159细胞系中的宏观表型比例的实验观测一致;(iv) 该模型还可以定性解释乳腺癌细胞涉及TGF-β信号的几种宏观生理现象,如:肿瘤治疗中的‘TGF-β悖论、乳腺癌细胞的五种临床亚型、瞬时TGF-β信号对乳腺癌转移的效应。





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