报告题目:Observability for heat equations with memory
报告摘要:We study the observability of heat equations with real analytic memory kernels.The solutions of such equations have the hybrid heat-wave nature. We characterize the geometry on observation sets that ensure several observability inequalities contributed by the wave--like effect of the solutions. By an observation set, we mean the space--time support of an observer, which is chosen to be measurable. In addition, some applications to control are presented.The main components used to obtain our results are as follows: 1)the decomposition theorem given in our previous work (published in 2022) , 2)the time--analyticity for solutions of our equations, 3) a modified three--step strategy, and 4) an estimate for solutions of the pure heat equation. This is joint work with Y. Zhang and E. Zuazua.
报告人简介:汪更生,天津大学应用数学中心教授,主要从事分布参数系统控制理论的研究,出版《Time Optimal Control of Evolution Equations》、《Periodic Feedback Stabilization for Linear Periodic Evolution Equations》学术专著两部. 现任国际控制论权威刊物《SIAM J. Control Optim.》以及控制论知名期刊《ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var.》和《Mathematical Control and Related Fields》的编委。