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报告地点:腾讯会议:289 917 892

报告题目:The long wave approximation of the Green-Naghdi equations with the Coriolis effect

报告摘要:This talk study the long wave asymptotic behavior of Green-Naghdi equations, which could be used to describe the propagation of  long-crested shallow-water waves  in the equatorial ocean regions with the Coriolis effect due to Earth's rotation. This  model equation is called the rotation-Green-Naghdi (R-GN) equations modeling the propagation of wave allowing large amplitude in shallow water. 1. We demonstrate the lift span of the solution to the R-GN model equations in a Sobolev space by the refined energy estimates. 2.We provide a rigorous justification from the solutions of the R-GN equations to the associated solution of the right-left R-BBM or KdV equation in the KdV regime with the small amplitude and the large wavelength. This is the first result on the issue that the solution of R-GN equations are well approximated by the bi-directional R-BBM in the general regular initial data.It is a jointed work with Prof.Yue Liu.

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