报告题目:Deformation invariance of plurigenera of Moishezon varieties
报告摘要:This talk mainly concerns deformation invariance of plurigenera, particularly on a question of Demailly whether a smooth family of nonsingular projective varieties admits the deformation invariance of plurigenera. We confirm this more generally for a smooth fiberwise Moishezon family, and also prove a flat family case. And several more recent progresses on Kollar's and Siu's conjectures are also discussed. This talk is mainly based on several joint works with I-Hsun Tsai, Yi Li and Runze Zhang.
报告人简介:饶胜,武汉大学sunbet中国官网教授、博士生导师,2019年获批国家级人才项目,研究方向为多复变与复几何。饶胜与其合作者在复几何领域的多个研究方向(特别是形变理论)得到重要的原创性成果,相关研究成果发表在Invent. Math., J. Math. Pures Appl., J. Algebraic Geom., Compositio Math., Math. Z.等杂志。