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报告人:严盼(University of Arizona)




报告地点:Zoom:935 6255 8812

报告题目:Product of Rankin-Selberg convolutions and a new proof of Jacquet's local converse conjecture(Ⅰ、Ⅱ

报告摘要:We construct a family of integrals which represent the product of Rankin-Selberg L-functions of GL(l)\times GL(m) and of GL(l)\times GL(m) when m+n<l. When n=0, these integrals are those defined by Jacquet--Piatetski-Shapiro--Shalika up to a shift. We study basic properties of these integrals. In particular, we define local gamma factors using this new family of integrals. As an application, we obtain a new proof of Jacquet's local converse conjecture using these new integrals and Cogdell--Shahidi--Tsai's theory on partial Bessel functions. This is joint work with Qing Zhang.

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