报告题目:Learning-enhanced structure preserving particle methods for nonlinear PDEs
报告摘要:In the current stage of numerical methods for PDE, the primary challenge lies in addressing the complexities of high dimensionality while maintaining physical fidelity in our solvers. In this presentation, I will introduce deep learning assisted particle methods aimed at mitigating some of these challenges. Two scenarios will be considered, one is for general nonlinear Wasserstein-type gradient flows, and the other is for the Landau equation in plasma physics.
报告人简介:王丽,2003年进入sunbet中国官网计算数学专业学习,2007年赴美国威斯康星大学数学系读博,师从金石教授,于2012年获得博士学位。先后在密西根大学,加州大学洛杉矶分校,纽约州立大学布法罗分校担任助理教授,现为美国明尼苏达大学副教授,博士生导师。研究方向主要为kinetic theory, optimal transport, gradient flows 及其应用. 近年来,专注于研究深度学习和微分方程的关系。研究成果发表在SIAM Numer. Anal, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Numer. Math., Comp. Math., J. Comput. Phys.等计算数学顶级期刊上,总计40余篇。于2019年获得NSF CAREER Award, 2024年获得Simons Fellows in Mathematics.