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报告题目:Stabilisation in Distribution of Hybrid Systems by Intermittent Noise

报告摘要:For many stochastic hybrid systems in the real world, it is inappropriate to study if their solutions will converge to an equilibrium state (say, 0 by default) but more appropriate to discuss if the probability distributions of the solutions will converge to a stationary distribution. The former is known as the asymptotic stability of the equilibrium state while the latter the stability in distribution. This talk aims to determine whether or not a stochastic state feedback control can make a given nonlinear hybrid differential equation, which is not stable in distribution, to become stable in distribution. We will refer to this problem as stabilisation in distribution by noise or stochastic stabilisation in distribution. Although the stabilisation by noise in the sense of almost surely exponential stability of the equilibrium state has been well studied, there is little known on the stabilisation in distribution by noise. This talk initiates the study in this direction. This talk is based on the joint work with Wei Mao and Junhao Hu: IEEE Trans. Auto. Control. 68(8) (2023), 4919-4924.




报告人简介:毛学荣,英国斯克莱德大学数学与统计系终身教授,英国爱丁堡皇家学会院士,获得英国沃弗森研究功勋奖,教育部长江学者“讲座教授”,教育部“海外名师”。毛学荣教授是国际随机分析和随机控制领域的知名学者,是现代随机稳定性领域的奠基人,其出版的专著和论文被该领域学者广泛引用,在概率论、随机分析和随机控制领域杂志发表论文300 余篇,均篇他引100 余次。近日,Guide2Research 发布了全球数学领域顶尖科学家榜单,他列英国第1位,全球第93 位。

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