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【学术报告】2024年11月14日Elisabeth Werner教授来我们举办学术讲座


报告人:Elisabeth Werner(美国凯斯西储大学)

报告题目:On the $L_p$ Brunn Minkowski theory

报告摘要:The Brunn Minkowski theory, sometimes  also  called the theory of mixed volumes,  is the very core of convex geometric analysis. It centers around the study of geometric invariants and geometric measures associated with convex bodies. A cornerstone of this theory is the classical Steiner formula. An extension of the classical Brunn Minkowski theory,  the $L_p$ Brunn Minkowski theory has emerged  and has evolved rapidly over the last years. It  is now a central part of modern convex geometry. The $L_p$ Brunn Minkowski theory focuses on the study of affine invariants associated with convex bodies.  We show an analogue of the classical Steiner formula in the context of the $L_p$ Brunn Minkowski theory. The classical Steiner formula is a special case of this more general $L_p$ Steiner formula.




报告人简介:美国凯斯西储大学教授,美国数学会会士,凸几何分析国际知名专家,长期从事凸几何分析中的浮体问题。先后应邀在澳大利亚数学会、加拿大数学会、波恩大学等作一小时学术报告。已在Adv. Math、CPAM、Math. Ann.等知名期刊发表学术论文近百篇。

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