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个人简介:牛原玲,中南大学副教授。研究方向为系统生物学中的随机建模及数值模拟。2011年于申博sunbet官网获理学博士学位,导师为张诚坚教授。2010年3月到2011年2月在牛津大学计算机系联合培养,导师为Kevin Burrage教授。2011年7月起至今就职于中南大学sunbet中国官网。2013年至2015年在中科院上海生命科学研究院陈洛南研究员课题组从事博士后研究。


报告题目:A study on stochastic models and their numerical simulation of biochemical reaction systems and cancer cells





报告摘要:In the talk, we first give a new framework for modelling and simulating biochemical reaction systems by reflected stochastic differential equations. The model is computationally efficient compared with the discrete-state Markov chain approach, and it ensures that both analytic and numerical solutions remain in a biologically plausible region.

In the second part of the talk, we present a stochastic multi-phenotype branching model by integrating conventional cellular hierarchy with phenotypic plasticity mechanisms of cancer cells.It is shown that the emergence of the phenotypic equilibrium is rooted in the stochastic nature of (almost) every sample path, the average-level stability just follows from it by averaging stochastic samples.

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