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报告人: Xiaoqiang  Wang  副教授
Florida State University(美国佛罗里达州立大学)                    

报告题目: Efficient and Stable Exponential Time Differencing  Runge-Kutta Methods for Phase Field Elastic Bending Energy Models

报告摘要: The Willmore flow formulated by phase field elastic bending energy models has been widely used to describe the shape transformation of biological lipid vesicles. We develop and investigate some efficient and stable numerical methods for simulating the unconstrained Willmore flow and the Willmore flow with fixed volume and surface area constraints. The proposed methods can be high-order accurate and are completely explicit in nature, by combining exponential time differencing  Runge-Kutta approximations for time integration with spectral discretizations for spatial operators on regular meshes. We also incorporate novel linear operator splitting techniques into the numerical schemes to improve the discrete energy stability. In order to avoid extra numerical instability brought by use of large penalty parameters in solving the constrained Willmore flow problem, a modified augmented Lagrange multiplier approach is proposed and adopted. Various numerical experiments are performed to demonstrate accuracy and stability of the proposed methods.

报告时间:  2016年6月30日(星期四)上午9:30-11:30

报告地点: 科技楼南楼702室


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