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【学术报告】2016年9月23日下午Liming Zhang教授来我们举办学术讲座


报告人:Liming Zhang( University of Macau)

报告题目:A Study on Automatic 2D to 3D Video Conversion System

报告人简介:Liming Zhang received the BS degree in Computer Software at Nankai University in 1987 ,the MS degree in Robot Vision & Machine Intelligence at East China Institute of Technology in 1990 ,and the PhD degree in Image Processing from University of New England, Australia , in 2002.

报告摘要: With the development of the multimedia technology, 3-dimensional TV (3DTV) is becoming one of the main TV products in the market nowadays. 3DTV can provide a user 3D impression as if he is really over there, by displaying 3D images on the 3D display monitors of glasses/non-glasses types. There are two disadvantages for 3DTV. One is that 3D display sets themselves are much more expensive than 2D ones are. The other is that 3D videos/movies are much more expensive and difficult to shoot than 2D ones are, as more advanced equipment and techniques are needed. Even though users choose to buy a 3DTV, they have to use it as a conventional TV in most of the time due to the lack of 3D video resources. In our daily life, 2-dimensional (2D) displays are still dominated, including conventional TV sets, computer monitors, mobile phones, etc. In this situation, developing a low cost and convenient technique to support easy shooting 3D video resources, meanwhile generated 3D videos can be watched on both 2D and 3D displays with glasses, will be of significance and practice for normal users in general entrainment and family video records.

There are two steps in converting 2D videos into 3D ones, including depth map generation and depth image based rendering (DIBR). Both techniques are hot topics in computer vision. In this study, a practical depth map generation approach will be introduced, which fuses the motion estimation, color information and linear perspective information together. A multidirectional hole-filling technique in DIBR will also be introduced in this study. Combined those two steps, we can convert the 2D videos to 3D ones. This technique can be used for non-professional 3D video generation applications, including school educational purposes and family entertainments.

报告时间: 2016年9月23日下午14:30

报告地点: 科技楼南楼702室

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