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【学术报告】2017年4月7日下午Xiting Gong教授来我们举办学术讲座


Title: Preservation of Additive Convexity and Its Applications in Stochastic Optimization Problems

Speaker: Dr. Xiting Gong

Affiliation: Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


In this paper, we establish two new preservation results of additive convexity for a class of optimal transformation problems and a class of optimal disposal problems. For both classes of problems, there are multiple resources and the optimal policies provide different priorities to transform/dispose these resources; and we prove that the additive-convexity property preserves under the optimal transformation/disposal decisions. We demonstrate the applications of our preservation results to three important stochastic optimization problems in operations management: stochastic inventory management with remanufacturing, dynamic inventory rationing with multiple demand classes, and dynamic capacity management with general upgrading. This is joint work with Tong Wang.


Dr. Gong is an assistant professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management at The Chinese University Hong Kong. Prior to joining CUHK, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics, and Master’s and PhD degrees in Management Science, all from Peking University. His research area is logistics and supply chain management; and his recent research interests include stochastic inventory theory and applications, pricing and revenue management, and approximation and data-driven algorithms. He has published several papers in leading academic journals such as Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, and Naval Research Logistics.



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