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报告人:黎泽 博士(中科院数学与系统科学研究院)

(一)报告题目:Stability of harmonic maps for wave maps on hyperbolic spaces

报告摘要:In this talk, we introduce our recent works on asymptotic stability of harmonic maps between hyperbolic planes under the wave map equation. We explain the new application of choosing gauges and the geometric linearization technique develped in our works. Wave map equation is a typical model for high energy physics and related to kerr potential problem of Einstein equation. The stability problem is on the way to a more vast project which is the so-called solition resolution conjecture or grand conjecture.  Until now, our result seems to be the only stability theorem for dispersive  geometric flows without any symmetry assumptions or data size restriction.



(二)报告题目:On Schrodinger map flows into Kahler manifolds

报告摘要:In this talk, we introduce our recent results on Schrodinger map flows into compact Kahler manifolds.

We prove that Schrodinger flows from Euclidean spaces into compact Kahler manifolds with small data in critical Sobolev spaces are global.We will explain the main difficulty and the new method  we developed. Besides Schrodinger map flows, our result also gives new light on heat flows.  Schrodinger flow was introduced by K. Uhlenbeck and W. Ding independently, it is the geometric generalization of the Landau-Lifshitz equation.

报告时间:2019年3月25日(星期一)上午 10:30-11:20


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