报告人:叶德平 教授(纽芬兰纪念大学)
报告题目:On the general polar-dual Orlicz-Minkowski problems
报告摘要:The $L_p$ geominimal surface areas are closely related to two central objects of interest in convex geometry: the $L_p$ Minkowski problems and the $L_p$ affine surface areas. In particular, the $L_p$ geominimal surface areas can be viewed as the “polar”to the $L_p$ Minkowski problems.
Recently the $L_p$ Minkowski problems were extended to the $L_p$ dual Minkowski problems and, respectively, the general dual Orlicz-Minkowski problems. This motivates the general polar-dual Orlicz-Minkowski problems, which are “polar” to the general dual Orlicz-Minkowski problems and “dual” to the polar Orlicz-Minkowski problems. My talk will concentrate on how the general polar-dual Orlicz-Minkowski problems were developed and solved (under certain conditions).
报告人简介:叶德平教授是加拿大著名数学家,在凸几何分析, 几何和泛函不等式,随机矩阵,量子信息理论和统计学等研究领域中都非常活跃,已在Adv. Math.、CPAM、CVPDE等世界著名杂志上发表论文二十余篇。