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报告人:汪更生(天津大学 教授)

报告题目:Asymptotic observability identity for the heat equation in R^d.

报告摘要:We build up an asymptotic observability identity for the heat equation in the whole space. It says that one can approximately recover a solution, through observing it over some countable lattice points in the space and at one time. This asymptotic identity is a natural extension of the well-known Shannon-Whittaker sampling theorem. According to it, we obtain a kind of feedback null approximate controllability for impulsively controlled heat equations. We also obtain a weak asymptotic observability identity with finitely many observation lattice points. This identity holds only for some solutions to the heat equation.  (Jointly with Ming Wang and Yubiao Zhang).

报告时间:2018年11月18日(星期日)上午 9:30—10:15.


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