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Practical trajectory tracking of random Lagrange systems and practical equivalence principles

摘要:The problem of trajectory tracking is considered for Lagrange systems disturbed by second moment processes. For random differential equations, the concept of local noise-to-state stability and its criterion are proposed. A full-state-feedback tracking control is designed by using vectorial backstepping method, which covers Slotine-Li controller and ``PD+'' controller as special cases. As natural extensions, adaptive control, output-feedback control and adaptive output-feedback control are presented, and three practical equivalence principles are verified. For all these cases, results of global or semi-global noise-to-state stability of closed-loop systems are obtained, and practical trajectory tracking can be achieved under a practical parameters-tuning principle.

报告人简介:吴昭景,烟台大学,数学与信息科学学院教授。研究兴趣包括随机非线性系统的建模,稳定与控制。在自动化学科国际顶尖期刊《IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control》,《Automatica》和《Siam Journal on Control and Optimization》上发表论文18篇(长文4篇),由科学出版社出版学术专著《随机引论》。获省部级自然科学二等奖2项,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项。

报告时间:2018年7月25日(星期三) 下午2:45—3:45


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