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报告题目:On deformational spectral rigidity of convex symmetric planar domains

报告摘要:This talk is related to the famous question "Can you hear the shape of drum?" by M.Kac in 1960'. That is, whether a planar domain Ω can be uniquely determined by its Laplace spectrum consisting of eigenvalues of a Dirichlet problem . In general, there are counterexamples.Meanwhile, from dynamical aspect, there is length spectrum consisting of perimeters of all periodic orbits of a billiard problem inside Ω. The Laplace and length spectra are closely related, generically the first determines the second.During the talk we show that a planar axis symmetric domain close to the circle can not be smoothly deformed preserving the length spectrum unless the deformation is a rigid motion. This is a joint work with J. De Simoi and V.Kaloshin.



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