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报告题目:The positive ground state solution on nonlinear Schrodinger equations

报告摘要:We are concerned with the following nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation


-\varepsilon^2\Delta u+ V(x)u=|u|^{p-2}u,~u\in H^1(\mathbb{R}^N),


where $\varepsilon>0$ is a small parameter, $N\geq 1$, $2<p<2^*$.

  For a class of $V(x)$ which attains the minimum at a closed hypersurface $\Gamma$, we give the location of the concentrated point to the positive ground state solution and establish the local uniqueness of the positive solution with concentration under certain conditions on $V(x)$, which implies the uniqueness of positive ground state solution. Also some partial symmetry can be obtained by the uniqueness. Here our main tools are the local Pohozaev identities and blow-up analysis. And the crucial key is to analysis the precise algebra relation of the concentrated point caused by the degeneracy and inhomogeneity of $V(x)$ at this point.




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