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【学术报告】2017年12月16日上午Arieh Iserles教授来我们举办学术讲座


报告人: Arieh Iserles教授 (剑桥大学)

报告题目: Fast computation of the semiclassical Schrödinger equation

报告摘要:Equations of quantum mechanics in the semiclassical regime present an enduring challenge for numerical analysts, because their solution is highly oscillatory and evolves on two scales. Standard computational approaches to the semiclassical Schrödinger equation do not allow for long time integration as required, for example, in quantum control of atoms by lasers. This has motivated our approach of asymptotic splittings. Combining techniques from Lie-algebra theory and numerical algebra, we present a new computational paradigm of symmetric Zassenhaus splittings, which lends itself to a very precise discretisation in long time intervals, at very little cost. We will illustrate our talk by examples of quantum phenomena – quantum tunnelling and quantum scattering – and their computation and, time allowing, discuss an extension of this methodology to time-dependent semiclassical systems using Magnus expansions.

报告人简介:Arieh Iserles教授是国际著名数值分析学家、剑桥大学终身教授、国际著名期刊《Acta Numerica》,《IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis》的主编,以及国际著名计算数学期刊《Numerische Mathematik》, 《Advances in Computational Mathematics》,《Foundations of Computational Mathematics》的编委,在高振荡数值分析、微分方程的数值解法、几何数值积分、逼近论等领域的研究和创新方面做出了卓越的贡献。

报告时间: 2017年12月16日(星期六)上午10:30-11:30

报告地点: 科技楼南楼702

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