报告人:陈庚(University of Kansas)
报告地点: 腾讯会议:848 816 719
报告题目:Poiseuille flow of nematic liquid crystals via Ericksen-Leslie model
报告摘要:In this talk, we will discuss a recent global existence result on the Poiseuille flow of nematic liquid crystals via full Ericksen-Leslie model. The existing results on the Ericksen-Leslie model for the liquid crystals mainly focused on the parabolic and elliptic type models by omitting the kinetic energy term. In this recent progress, we established a new method to study the full model. A singularity formation result will also be discussed, together with the global existence result showing that the solution will in general live in the Holder continuous space. The earlier related result on the stability of variational wave equation using the optimal transport method, and the future work on other wave equations will also be discussed. The talk is on the joint work with Tao Huang & Weishi Liu.