报告地点:腾讯会议:843 453 692 密码:123456
报告题目:Stable homotoyp groups of spheres
报告摘要:We give an introduction of various methods to understand the stable homotopy groups of spheres, and the applications in classification of smooth structures of spheres. In particular we will report on the RP method and the motivic Ctau method, which have lead to recent breakthroughs in computing the stable homotopy groups of spheres up to stem 90.
报告人简介:王国祯,复旦大学上海数学中心副研究员,研究兴趣:代数拓扑。与合作者在球面稳定同伦群计算上有重要突破,证明了球面第61个稳定同伦群平凡。作为该结果的一个重要推论,可以得到61维球面上存在唯一的微分结构,这是广义庞加莱猜想在奇数维情形的最后一个未解决问题。本次报告将介绍解决此问题的方法以及后续的最新结果。部分成果发表在Ann. of Math.、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America、Advances in Mathematics等杂志上。