主讲人:Georgios Akrivis(约阿尼纳大学)
课程地点:Zoom ID: 477 482 9305 Passcode: 1125
课程题目: Numerical methods for ODEs: Low order methods
课程内容:We analyze the Euler methods, both the explicit and the implicit, the trapezoidal method and the midpoint method. Then we introduce various fundamental concepts such as consistency, stability properties and convergence.
个人简介:Georgios Akrivis希腊约阿尼拉大学教授,SIAM J Num. Anal 编委。计算数学顶级专家,主要研究微分方程数值解。在Numer Math, Math Comput, SIAM. J. Numer. Anal等杂志发表SCI论文50余篇。